Atrocity Press

Submissions Policy

At Atrocity Press we are actively seeking new talent—
writers and artists alike! Thank you for your interest
in submitting your work to us, please read our official
submission guidelines below. Good luck!


Atrocity Press publishes our own books as well as
creator-owned/creator-generated properties.  Obtaining a
position at Atrocity Press as a staff artist or writer is
currently closed. Atrocity Press will Kickstart the project
and will split the profits with the creator on
creator-owned/creator-generated properties.  Atrocity
Press has a system for publishing comic books that must
be followed when Kickstarting a project – namely the
project must be finished before the Kickstarter is ran.

Sometimes things change from a proposal to what ends up
being printed.  If your title is awkward we may suggest
changing it.  If you use a black metal logo for your
book and we can’t read the pile of branches we will
suggest changing it. Occasionally, we will do the logo
design or help with the logo design.

Artists: We accept inking, penciling, lettering, or
coloring samples. These will be kept on file and you
may be contacted if and when the occasion presents
itself. If your art-only submission is not kept on file,
you will not get a response. DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL
ART as your work will NOT be returned.

Writers: We accept proposals ONLY (see Proposal
 below)—please do not send storyboards,

scripts, notes, or manuscripts—anything other than a
proposal that meets the below specifications will be
automatically declined.


  1. A brief, typed cover letter that summarizes your
    project and your previous work, if relevant. Include
    contact information (name, e-mail address, address,
    phone and fax numbers) clearly printed on the top
    of the page. Submissions are responded to via
    e-mail only.  Do not make your cove letter 4 pages long.
    Keep this letter concise. 
  2. A typed, one page, synopsis of the overall story arc
    (not just of the first issue). Please keep this as succinct
    as possible and DO include major plot points and spoilers.
    What sets your story apart from other comics?  Who is the
    audience? (“Everyone” is not possible.) You should tell us
    whether you see it or not as a full color or a
    black-and-white book, a miniseries or an ongoing series, a
    prestige book or an original graphic novel. There are times,
    however, when we may suggest what format we think will
    be most successful for your story in the current market.
  3. Photocopies of fully inked and lettered sequential
    story art pages (any size, but no character sketches or
    bios). DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL ART as your work will NOT
    be returned. Please include a minimum of five pages that
    are fully inked and lettered. We may make suggestions
    based off these, but we are primarily concerned with your
    understanding of the medium and how to tell a sequential
    story. Color is OPTIONAL. If you have a colorist and plan
    on this being a colored book, it would be advisable, we may
    suggest a different colorist if we decide to acquire the project.
  4. A cover mock-up—this lets us know whether or not you
    understand the market and gives us a good barometer on your
    design sense. With creator approval, this may go through a
    redesign if we decide to acquire your project.
  5. Email all submissions to
    We are not accepting physical submissions at this time.


  • The creative team in your pitch is the one we expect to
    see actually working on your book.
     If the artist you pitched
    with leaves the team, you will need to re-submit your proposal
    with the new creative team line-up. This also means that with all
    ongoing titles we need to be made aware of and approve all
    changes to the creative team.
  • Do not hand Atrocity Press employees submissions at
    comic book conventions.
     Your submission will be misplaced
    or discarded.
  • Due to a high volume of submissions, we are unable to respond
    to each proposal individually. If you do not receive a reply
    within one month of submitting to us consider your
    proposal declined.
     If you do not include an e-mail address
    in your proposal it will automatically be declined.
  • Please do not include praise or testimonials. We are only
    interested in your work as it stands on its own merits.
  • We are looking for any “Bad Girl” comic books. We are
    looking for comics that are well written and well-drawn, by
    people who are dedicated and can meet deadlines.
  • Finally, since Atrocity Press, LLC owns only our own
    intellectual properties
    , you can be assured—accepted
    or not—that your property will remain yours.
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